No, please avoid swimming directly after laser hair removal. your skin will remain sensitive for 24-48 hours after laser hair removal so it is important to keep your skin protected during this period of time. this includes swimming in swimming pools,the sea, lakes, rivers and also relates to jacuzzi’s and plunge pools.. One of the common concerns following the laser treatment – especially in summer months – is whether or not swimming or soaking the water is permissible. we do not recommend it, and here is why. after the laser tattoo removal procedure it is possible for blisters or scabs to appear.. The problem with swimming after laser hair removal is that in most cases the water contains corrosive agents that can irritate the skin. sea salt in the sea and chlorine in all public swimming pools can cause issues of skin sensitivity and it is best to allow the skin’s natural protective layer to recover after laser treatment before going.
If you have relex smile, you may be able to return to other activities, including swimming, much, much sooner. have a question about laser eye surgery? ask us in the comments below or visit our section on recovery to find out more. to speak directly with a laser eye surgery expert call us on 020 7224 1005.. Laser hair removal is more than just ''zapping'' unwanted hair. it is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. before getting laser hair removal, you. Also avoid swimming in chlorinated water for 48 -72 hours. 6. avoid exfoliating if you've had laser hair removal on your face then you must avoid having harsh treatments done such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion for at least 10 days before or after treatment. 7. avoid make up.